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I appreciate Reem


I appreciate Reem when she gives me time out of her busy schedule. It's precious to be a part of the smartest, most amazing, busiest, lovely, anxiety-filled woman-I-know's day. I appreciate that she treats me as her bestfriend. We are best friends and have the best banter ever in a couple. I appreciate that she lightens up my mood everytime I see her. She really is the funny one. Makes me laugh everyday frfr. I don't know any other couple better than us bro fight me. She's going to be an amazing dentist and journalist and I'm going to be her number one fan by her side. I already am. I know it was bad that I had some criticism or spelled out my needs or points of improvement without acknowledging what Reem did right. And she does a lot of things right. She just doesn't think she does but she really does (you know?). I love you bub.

Consider this me shouting in to the world (all 0 of my readers). I'm sorry I hurt you bub. I'll be better. I know you had a bad morning because of what I said or what I didn't say along with it.